Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Moon Smile

I love Twilight. I know it sounds cliche and dull now, but I have loved Twilight since before it was cool to love Twilight. I love re-reading the book and must say I was not deterred by the movie. Unlike some of my friends, I was able to separate the movie from the books and so enjoyed the sweeping filmography and contrasted blue lighting. And now comes the second movie in the series. New Moon. For those who have not read the book or have even come out from under their rock since 2007, I will explain. This book was stressful. It was not just stressful, it consumed my life for the two days it took for me to read it. I must have burned a million calories just from how fast my heart was beating. Edward left. Edward LEFT HIS LOVE!!!! And these books are not just books you can look at and say, "aww poor Bella, I'm sorry." NO! These are books that make you feel personally offended whenever something happens that shouldn't. This is the connection I have formed with the Twilight series. This is why some people love me and some people despise me. This is why my boyfriend covers his eyes everytime a preview comes on. And tries to grab his hand away before I can squeeze the life out of it.

I realized yesterday as I was watching TV that I have completely gone off the deep end. Before anything came on the screen, I was reclining, no particular look on my face except possibly apathy. I heard the music before I saw it. It was sort of golden red lighting and I knew what that meant. I sat straight up in bed and had the largest grin ever on my face. My mouth was open. As the werewolf jumped over Bella's head, I actually squeeked. I was butt-bouncing on the bed, too excited to sit still. My heart raced and I felt some flutterings where I never thought I would for a fictional character. I don't just love this, I am IN LOVE with this. I can already feel the anxiety from when Edward leaves. I can already feel myself osmosing into the screen, wanting to be her even though I hate Kristen Stewart. I love this rush. I love that it bugs people and that I can't control myself or the involuntary noises which sprout from having a life which revolves around some mythical creatures and a town which I HAVE BEEN TO (when I was a little kid before the series even had been thought up)!!! So you know that you can expect me to show up to the theater wearing my Forks, WA shirt. And a peacoat. And my hair down.

And I will love every minute of it.

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