Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love Affair

She had a love affair
with Thornton Wilder
With a side note of
ee cummings
hugging his spine to
her chest
throbbing between her breasts
she could feel his
proud dream horse
and the skin of his teeth
scraping against her neck
they drove her
they lived in Our Town
shaking it up
between their covers
her blond hair
getting stuck between their
it was wilder in
their lives now and they
“Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,”
gushing Buffalo Bill’s Defunct
between green mountains
they were the queens of france
jumping with the ringing of doorbells
their spoils may be
she had a love affair
with poetry
with a side note of
prose, plays, and prophets
she longed for her fingers
thumbing the
her nails collecting
smooth, juicy
they were doing things
you could never imagine

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